base-point price
Смотреть что такое "base-point price" в других словарях:
Base point pricing — is an economics term used to describe the system of firms setting prices of their goods the same to all buyers regardless of the sellers location, even if their transportation costs to the locations are different. This means that if the… … Wikipedia
point — [point] n. [OFr, dot, prick < L punctum, dot, neut. of punctus, pp. of pungere, to prick (< IE base * peuĝ , *peuk̑, to prick, jab > Ger fichte, spruce tree, L pugil, boxer, pugnus, fist); also < OFr pointe, sharp end < ML puncta… … English World dictionary
base — base1 /bays/, n., adj., v., based, basing. n. 1. the bottom support of anything; that on which a thing stands or rests: a metal base for the table. 2. a fundamental principle or groundwork; foundation; basis: the base of needed reforms. 3. the… … Universalium
point — 1. point [ pwɛ̃ ] n. m. • 1175 « endroit, moment »; lat. punctum « piqûre », de pungere → poindre I ♦ A ♦ Portion de l espace déterminée avec précision. 1 ♦ Endroit, lieu. En divers, en plusieurs points. « il relevait la tête et fixait son regard … Encyclopédie Universelle
Point de vue raciste — Racisme Le racisme est une idéologie consistant à hiérarchiser des groupes naturels humains, désignés souvent sous le terme de races, à partir d attributs naturels, visible ou non (physiques, psychiques, culturels, etc) des caractéristiques… … Wikipédia en Français
base — I. noun (plural bases) Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French, from Latin basis, from Greek, step, base, from bainein to go more at come Date: 13th century 1. a. (1) the lower part of a wall, pier, or column considered as a separate… … New Collegiate Dictionary
base price — noun Etymology: base (III) 1. : a price for a standard commodity from which variations are readily computed (as by a formula) 2. : a price before discounts and extras * * * 1. a price quoted as a base without including additional charges. 2. a… … Useful english dictionary
Point of sale — This article is about checkout technology. For managed care, see point of service plan. Points of sale at a Target store … Wikipedia
Point de vue mormon sur l'homosexualité — Selon l Église de Jésus Christ des saints des derniers jours, l’homosexualité est officiellement perçue comme un ensemble «de pensées, de sentiments, et de comportements», et non pas comme une «condition» immuable, ou l’indication d’une… … Wikipédia en Français
base price — 1. a price quoted as a base without including additional charges. 2. a price used as a basis for computing freight charges at a basing point, as for steel. * * * … Universalium
Point Reyes Lighthouse — Infobox Lighthouse caption = Point Reyes Light location = Point Reyes, California coordinates = coord|37.9957|N|123.02327|W yearlit = 1870 automated = 1975 foundation = Concrete construction = Cast Iron with Brick Lining shape = 16 sided… … Wikipedia